2.0 has been made at a cost of Rs 350 crore. The first look launch of Shankar's 2.0 starring Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar will be hosted by Baahubali's producer Karan Johar. The cost of the event? Rs 6 crore!
First look launch event of Rajinikanth’s film 2.0 will be held in Mumbai
It won’t be an over-the-top description to call the first look launch event of superstar Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film 2.0 the biggest film event of 2016. Like the budget of Shankar’s film, which is more than Rs 350 crore, the event has also been planned on a grand scale. The who’s who of Indian film industry will congregate in Mumbai on Sunday as the makers will unveil the first look of Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar from the big-ticket sci-fi movie
On Wednesday evening, the Thalaivar took the internet by storm by tweeting the first poster of the Enthiran sequel. We should understand one thing, there was no such thing as a ‘first look launch event’ until a few years ago in Indian film industry. The advent of social media and its popularity paved way for releasing the first look posters to create curiosity among the audience as a marketing strategy. Even makers of Baahubali 2, another expensive film from India, smartly selected the Jio MAMI 18th Mumbai Film Festival to release the first look of Prabhas from the film. But, none of the filmmakers have held an event on such a grand scale as 2.0’s.
courtesy: http://indianexpress.com/
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