Divya Unni, the actress-dancer is all set to make a comeback into movies, post her divorce. In a recent interview, Divya opened up about the comeback and success of her contemporary, Manju Warrier. She remarked that she was the happiest person to know about Manju's comeback into the movie industry. Divya Unni is also glad that the talented actress is also concentrating on her dance and theatre careers. Both Manju Warrier and Divya Unni started their careers as leading ladies in 1996. The actresses have shared the screen in the 1998-released movie Pranayavarnangal, directed by Sibi Malayil.
They retired from the films at almost the same time and settled as homemakers. Now, both the actresses have legally separated from their respective spouses and are concentrating on their careers. Divya, who is planning to re-enter the film industry, says that she wants to do a film like Kamaladalam, which is purely based on dance. She is also planning to be active with her dance career as well. Manju Warrier, on the hand, made a successful comeback into the industry with How Old Are You. She also ventured in to theatre plays recently, with Kavalam Narayana Panicker's Abhijnana Shakuntalam.
Read more at: http://www.filmibeat.com/malayalam/news/2016/i-am-glad-that-manju-warrier-returned-divya-unni-237925.html
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